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“Based on the gifts each one has received, use it to serve others.”
~1 Peter 4:10

You may make your 2025 pledge here.


Last year’s Stewardship Campaign included a book study on The Spirituality of Fundraising co-authored by the great Christian theologian Henri Nouwen. In that study, we heard the wisdom that stewardship is an invitation to participate in the work that God is doing here at North Shore Presbyterian Church.


This year, that invitation is even more important to accept as NSPC stands on the cusp of a brand-new era in ministry. With the call of a new pastor, the discernment and visioning that began in the interim time will now continue with the stability and connection of permanent leadership!


As we seek deeper connections between the church and community, we open our hearts to the possibilities that God is putting before us, making real and lasting changes in the world around us. As we seek to lessen our dependence on the Legacy of the saints who came before us, we are opening ourselves to ministry happening in the right here and right now.


With thanksgiving for the past and with great hope for the future, we enter this stewardship season declaring an invitation to good things ahead. “We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you—your energy, your prayers, and your money—in this work to which God has called us.” Your pledge helps us plan for the good work that awaits us!


Together we create with God a place of growth, change, and holy curiosity. Please prayerfully consider your response to the invitation and return your pledge by Sunday, October 29th.


Below you will see a link for the 2024 pledge form.


Our online giving portal offers you the ability to support our ministry anywhere. You can choose to make a one-time gift or set up your recurring giving right through this easy to use portal.

To make a one time gift, to setup an

online giving account or to access

your account click here

If you have any questions please contact the church office at 414-332- 8130 



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